Let's create a card with a sketch

Описание к видео Let's create a card with a sketch

Last week I asked you all to vote for a ‘this’ 🟢 or ‘that’ 🟦 card sketch. I said if you all got the coments to a certain number I would do something with both skectes and you all voted! As I said I will do a live video for both and they will both have a PDF download so you can all create your own fun version!

Today I am going to create the ‘that’ 🟦 aketch as it did manage to pull out more votes 😉 but never fear I am already working on the second sketch for ‘this’ 🟢

If you are in Canada and interested in any of the products I am playing with today I would love if you would consider shopping from my Stampin’ Up! website-

If you want to know more about me and what I do make sure to check out my blog at-

Happy Craftin’


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