RK17 SNV - pavement, wrong side of road, abuse and threats 20180502

Описание к видео RK17 SNV - pavement, wrong side of road, abuse and threats 20180502

Reported to Roadsafe.
Driver was charged with driving without due care and attention and had a fine and points.

I asked the police if they wanted my to report the other drivers, but they said "no"...

I was told by the police to not make this clip public on GDPR grounds. I questioned this as I didn't think there was any personal information in the clip. The response was: if the person involved finds the clip online they can request that it is removed.
(per comments, apparently vehicle registration numbers are "personal information".)
Lets hope the Streisand effect takes hold. :D

I asked if I should report the abuse and threats and was told that it wouldn't be worth it as there was "goading on both sides".


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