Amazing sand art "Elana" by Kseniya Simonova - Песочная анимация "Элана"

Описание к видео Amazing sand art "Elana" by Kseniya Simonova - Песочная анимация "Элана"

This is a very sad story. But it can have a happy end with your help.
This is a story of a tiny girl from Ukraine called Elana who is now only six. She is suffering with cancer. But being so young, she had to suffer more than an adult can receive. And she still has a great will to live. Here is a letter of her Mother:
"In May of 2008 Elana received her horrible diagnosis - Acute lymphoblastic leukemia - cancer of the blood. From May 2008 until January 2009 Elana was in the hospital of Simferopol (Crimea, Ukraine) without being home, seeing her beloved sister Sasha and friends. After leaving the hospital Elana had to take the chemotherapy in pills at home. In 2 months after the end of the 2-year treatment Elana had a relapse - the disease has returned. This poor child received 10 blocks of a high-dose chemotherapy and 12 blocks of radiotherapy. In September, the bone puncture registered a second relapse. Since September 2011 till today Elana is in the hospital (Simferopol), in the department of hematology. The only chance for Elana to stay alive is a bone marrow transplantation (BMT) from an unrelated donor in a foreign specialized clinic. The cost of such operation and search for a donor is 185-200 thousand euros.
This summ is very big, for our family it is an astronomically impossible summ of money. The two previous treatments were payed by ourselves, without help of other people ... But now we are forced to beg for your help ... HELP US TO SAVE OUR GIRL! Elana, who is now 6, suffered so much over the past 3 years, and it would be simply horrible to lose her now! Only because of the fact that we do not have money for her treatment...
At home everybody is waiting for our little Elana -- her little sister Sasha, all relatives, all friends. Please, give her a chance for a long and happy life, to fulfill her gentle childish dreams!
With kindest regards, Natalia, Elana's Mom"
And you know what Elana is dreaming about? Elana is dreaming to go to Paris. This wish is making her patient. But days pass, she is feeling worse and loses hope to recover.
As soon as I returned to my studio, I have shot this sand film called "Elana". I hope it will help. Because if every viewer gives at least a dollar, in some time Elana can get her treatment summ. Here is the bank account of Elana's Mom. Thank you and God Bless. I can't believe this little girl can die and will never see Paris, go to school and return to a normal life.
Love, Kseniya Simonova


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