junhan was adopted by 5 extroverts (reupload!)

Описание к видео junhan was adopted by 5 extroverts (reupload!)

xdinary heroes dropped the album of the year and it's almost junhan's month, life is good!

i'm so happy junhan was able to debut in a group that always looks out for him! i'm proud of him everyday ♡

if you wanna know more about about junhan's personality i recommend watching this interview with jyp where he talks about how it was hard for him to start conversations, make friends, adapt to trainee life, etc. it's very interesting:    • [Xdinary Heroes BEGINS] Ep.8  

their comeback title 'test me':    • Xdinary Heroes "Test Me" M/V  
their reality 'rock the world':    • [XH's Rock The World] Ep.7 A Mysterio...  

please check it out as well as their album i promise you won't regret it!

if you want to talk to me:
insta: luvwanii (two i)
twitter: luvwaniii (three i)
tik tok: luvwanii (two i)



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