How to Enter Meditation Anytime, Anywhere. Two new Methods of 'Dynamic Meditation‘

Описание к видео How to Enter Meditation Anytime, Anywhere. Two new Methods of 'Dynamic Meditation‘

Meditation, in its truest form, is simple. The more complex or mysterious it seems, the more likely it is to be a distraction. Genuine meditation is about unbinding yourself from the clutter of thoughts and allowing your awareness to connect with the limitless, peaceful space within you. It is in this vast space that transformation occurs—where the divine consciousness can descend and flow freely.

My approach to ‘Dynamic Meditation’ is distinct from the ‘Dynamic Meditation’ popularized by the modern spiritual teacher, Osho. In this context, 'dynamic' emphasizes meditation as an integrated practice that seamlessly weaves mindfulness and awareness into the fabric of their daily life. It is not a separate or isolated exercise, but rather a way of being that can be practiced anytime, anywhere, and in conjunction with any activity. This approach allows practitioners to cultivate a state of constant presence and awareness, bringing the benefits of meditation into every aspect of their lives.The essence of meditation is not merely finding a quiet place, sitting in a cross-legged posture with eyes closed and hands in a fixed handprint, or even lighting incense, playing music, or changing clothes. These are all formalized, ritualized, and even mystified understandings of meditation.

True meditation should be a dynamic practice, meaning you can meditate anywhere and anytime in your daily life. It is about experiencing the peace and joy of being fully present in the moment, with complete consciousness and full awareness.

Meditation is not about escaping from reality or achieving a special state of mind. It is about bringing your full attention to the present moment, without judgment or attachment. By doing so, you can cultivate greater clarity, peace, and joy in your life.

Two new methods of meditation that can allow you to enter meditation at any time and any place.

The first method is observing your mind with complete consciousness and full awareness, which I summarized as “the full consciousness feeling”。

The second method is focuses on integrating meditation into your daily routines, which can described as "the full consciousness behavior."


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