++11 Necrotic Wake | Mistweaver Damage Is OVERPOWERED Now | Mistweaver Monk | The War Within S1

Описание к видео ++11 Necrotic Wake | Mistweaver Damage Is OVERPOWERED Now | Mistweaver Monk | The War Within S1

#mistweaver #monk #thewarwithin #worldofwarcraft

Affixes: Xal'atah's Bargain: Ascendant - Tyrannical + Fortified - Challenger's Peril


Jade Empowerment is such a fun talent! With Jadefire Teachings active it honestly does a decent amount of healing, and the damage is actually crazy as well so I'm having a lot of fun! I added TrufiGCD so you guys can see what I'm pressing (and also my mistakes ahaha) but if you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comments!

Custom Cell and Details profiles: https://github.com/Faevibe/My-UI

Dungeon Weakaura Pack: https://wago.io/twwdungeons

Plater Profile: https://wago.io/ak3iS95aa

Timer's Weakaura: https://wago.io/RaidAbilityTimeline

Vivacious Vivification WA: https://wago.io/4mq2-hGOg/3
Renewing Mists WA: https://wago.io/oaCqJS08N/2
Jadefire Teachings WA: https://wago.io/eqhtf1zrr
(If JFT WA isn't working for you, go to trigger and change the aura name under spell selection filters to this spell id 467293)


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