Playing Guitar Chords And Lead Together

Описание к видео Playing Guitar Chords And Lead Together

Today in this guitar lesson, I will teach you how to play guitar chords and lead guitar together. Here is a link for this awesome backing track that I used in the video.    • Southern Rock Backing Track in G | 80...   This is an intermediate guitar lesson. We will play basic triad shapes and create movement. This way our rhythm and lead guitar will come alive!!! And connecting these triad shapes will make our rhythm and lead guitar playing start to sound musical.
Video Contents
0:00 Guitar chords and lead lines together intro.
0:58 Triad shapes with movement.
5:10 Up and down the fretboard using triad shapes.
8:30 Demo lead guitar solo with backing track.
9:09 Breakdown using triads for lead and rhythm guitar.
13:58 Minor triad shape with movement.
15:52 Playing guitar chords and lead lines together.


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