The Schandmantel - History's Most BRUTAL Torture Method?

Описание к видео The Schandmantel - History's Most BRUTAL Torture Method?

One torture device designed to cause extreme embarrassment was the "barrel" or "Schandmantel," also known as the "coat of shame." The device, which emerged in the 13th century, was made of wood lined with metal, resembling a barrel. Those punished with it were forced to parade around in public while wearing the heavy structure, similar to how the scold's bridle was used to punish women for gossiping. The barrel aimed to humiliate the person, making them look ridiculous while also causing significant discomfort. Often, a bell was placed at the top of the barrel, ringing as the person moved to attract a crowd who would hurl insults and objects. This method was commonly used in Germany and other parts of Europe for various offenses, such as poaching and prostitution. Sometimes, heavy stones were added to the barrel to increase the weight and pressure on the individual’s shoulders, intensifying the pain. The back strain caused by the weight made the ordeal more than just a form of public humiliation.


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