Welcome to Simply Mountain Biking

Описание к видео Welcome to Simply Mountain Biking

What’s around the next bend in the trail? How does that work? Can I do that too? Does a human leg bend that way? Find out on: Simply Mountain Biking. Well, hopefully not that last one...

What we hope you get out of the channel:

To experience adventure & be inspired to go on your own adventures.
To be motivated to improve your fitness - no matter how slightly.
To have the opportunity to (virtually) try new gear - before you buy.
To see that working on a bike is easy & be encouraged to DIY.
To learn something new.

This video was not sponsored by any of the brands mentioned in the video, all opinions are our own.
This video should be considered for entertainment purposes only, any action you take based on the content of this video is strictly "at your own risk".

#simplymountainbiking #SMB #mountainbiking


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