The Business Plot 1934

Описание к видео The Business Plot 1934

Check out my latest video from the "SKP Clips" playlist: "The Business Plot of 1934" in which we look at the alleged plot to overthrow the US Government and to install a military junta/banana republic.

Check out this short 1.30 minute video of Smedley Butler giving testimony on the Business Plot:
   • Major General Smedley Butler bares pl...  

This video is an extract taken from the original video:
"What if the Business Plot Was Successful?"
   • What if the Business Plot Was Success...  

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  / skeletonkeysproductionskp  

Art: @skevi.illustration
Music: @harrybinnsmusic

#1934 #butler #history #smedleybutler #plot #businessplot #bush #history #us #politics #fdr #depression #greatdepression


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