The Fluttering Birds - Jean Gennin

Описание к видео The Fluttering Birds - Jean Gennin

Dear all, next weeks I would like to present you some fine young piccolo talent. Each day at 7PM I will post a short video. Today I would like to present you Elke Elsen.
She graduated from the Antwerp piccolo master program in 2016 and additionally took piccolo & flute lessons with Baudoin Giaux (Brussels), Pierre Dumail (Paris) and Valerie Debaele (Tilburg).
She was recently appointed as 2nd flute & solopiccolo with the Nederlands Philharmonisch Orkest l Nederlands Kamerorkest in Amsterdam and loves to play chamber music with her ensemble Triotique.

Together with Stefan De Schepper, we recorded Genin’s ‘The Fluttering Birds’ for a new ‘Piccolo and Friends’ CD which you can already pre-order from my website During Corona times free shipment + a signed copy!!!

Beste fb-bezoekers, gedurende de volgende weken stel ik jullie elke dag een jonge getalenteerde piccolospeler voor. Elke Elsen haalde in 2016 een piccolo-masterdiploma aan het Conservatorium van Antwerpen. Recent werd ze aangesteld als 2e fluit/solopiccolo bij het Nederlands Philharmonisch Orkest l Nederlands Kamerorkest in Amsterdam.


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