Dissidia 012: Duodecim - Gilgamesh vs. 000 Feral Chaos (Perfect Run)

Описание к видео Dissidia 012: Duodecim - Gilgamesh vs. 000 Feral Chaos (Perfect Run)


Heaven's Cloud
Genji Shield
Genji Helm
Genji Armor

Hyper Ring
Muscle Belt
Sniper Eye
Battle Hammer
HP = 100%
Large Gap in HP
No Damage
Level Gap 30
Tenacious Attacker

My earlier Gilgamesh run was one of my worst runs, and I was pretty dissatisfied with it. So here it is again!

Now, I could have finished this a whole lot faster if I had just kept restarting until I got 8x Excalibur with my EX mode. But where's the fun in that? This is GILGAMESH we're talking about! Taking all of the randomness out of the fight just doesn't feel right. So instead, my plan was to just roll with whatever I get for my EX mode, and keep activating EX Bursts so that I had more chances at getting random weapons of all sorts (not my fault Naginata liked me so much on this run). It sure kept things exciting, at least. I'd like to think that it's what Gilgamesh would have wanted.

And of course, it's just fun to hear him shout "Gilgamesh Morphing Time!" so often.

I'd also like to confess that I'm using EX Command Omega to get perfects on Gilgamesh's EX Burst. I wanted to contrast with my previous run as much as possible. But the Gilgamesh summonstone still likes me at the end for some reason. It's better to be lucky than good, I guess.


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