UFO Frontiersman Tasks Missions 100% Full Sync Discovery Quests Assassin's Creed 3 AC3

Описание к видео UFO Frontiersman Tasks Missions 100% Full Sync Discovery Quests Assassin's Creed 3 AC3

The BEST guide to complete the Unidentified Flying Object Frontiersman Discovery Citizen Mission in Boston!! Remember to watch my videos on the peg leg trinket missions! Also, if you haven't unlocked ALL the fast travel points, please watch my videos on how to solve the Underground Fast Travel Puzzles! CLICK THE PURPLE BUTTONS ON THE TOP OF THE SCREEN! Thank you very much!

Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE. I also need a lot of subscribers so please SHARE this video on facebook and twitter if you like the video. Thank you sooo much in advance!

Also see my videos on: http://www.mytoptrailer.com/show.php?...

Intro & Outro music from "A New Beginning" by Jedborg, used with permission
➜ http://jedborg.tgn.tv

My Xbox LIVE Gamertag is FurryMurry7 !

Please make sure to check out my Blog at: http://furrymurry7.blogspot.com

Also, check out my other Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and Revelations videos! I do 100% full sync memories, borgia flags, guild challenges (mercenaries, courtesans, thieves, assassins). I also do multiplayer and DLC memories. If what you are looking for is not there, just message me! I post videos nearly every day so check out my channel every now and then!
I'm also doing Assassin's Creed 3 III videos as well as Project Legacy!

Thank you!

I have AMAZING videos on an Assassin's Creed game called "Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy"! If you've never heard of this game before, that's because it's still sort of "in Beta." But you can play it right now! It's at:   / projectlegacy   !! I abosolutely love that game! Just go to http://bit.ly/TEoefs and follow my instructions!

Sometimes you will have errors when trying to play the game. Sometimes you will get a "Connection Error", sometimes the game does not seem to load or it gets frozen.

Fortunately, I have been able to figure out a way to FIX ALL YOUR ERRORS!! Just go to: http://bit.ly/V9DjYl and TURN ON YOUR ANNOTATIONS!! Thank you so much!!


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