WindScanner in Perdigao: Full 22 minute scan period

Описание к видео WindScanner in Perdigao: Full 22 minute scan period

This video shows the real world process of data acquisition by the Short-Range WindScanner system. This lidar based technology was developed at DTU Wind Energy. The data presented in this video was acquired during a measurement campaign in Perdigao, Portugal, in 2015. It is the first time the flow upstream of a turbine on top of a ridge is determined for all velocity components. This experiment is of special interest to the research community, as it investigates the flow in very complex terrain.

In this video two scan planes are shown: on the left a horizontal plane located at turbine nacelle height and on the right a vertical scan stretching from 14 m above ground to hub height. The wind turbine is schematically shown by the black lines. The coordinates are either normalized by the wind turbine rotor diameter (D) or radius (R). Each cell is color-coded by the u component (ie velocity along x). Velocity vectors are shown by using the v and w component respectively. This demonstrates the flow direction at each point. Empty cells represent an erroneous measurement.

This video incorporates 22 minutes of data and is played 4x quicker.

The measurements were preformed by Nikolas Angelou, DTU Wind Energy.


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