Feelings of Uncertainty and How to Manage Them.

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This video provides tools for coping with uncertainty and unknowns about the future, whether it's something specific or we want to know what will happen in the coming days, weeks or months. This video helps with regaining perspective to focus on the things we can control right here and now.

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How to be with uncertainty. One thing's for certain, we all live with uncertainty.
But uncertainty is uncomfortable. There are too many unknowns. If we could predict our future, even only minutes ahead, we would probably try. Many of us are either waiting news, waiting for test results or we can't settle because there is no plan yet.
We want to know what's coming. What will happen next? What will happen when I get home, or tomorrow?
Next week? What will the future bring? Will I get through this? What if something bad happens?
We often worry that we won't be able to prepare for, or handle, whatever is ahead.
And we tend to not make decisions because we're afraid of making the wrong ones. Just a glimpse into the future can solve all that - can't it?
This delay in answers is common to all of us. You are not alone in not knowing.
Many of us try to distract ourselves while we wait for answers by doing something fun and that can work much of the time. Sometimes the wait can be overwhelming. Let's say you wrote a test & you're anxious about the results. Here are some ways to begin working with the unknown.
If you'd like, you can take a moment to think about what you know and don't know. Perhaps you don't know that things will turn out the way you want, but you also don't know that they won't.
Maybe you don't know what the future will hold, but you probably do know that worrying won't change the future. Identifying what you know & don't know may help you regain perspective.
Know that you can still do what matters to you and bring worry and uncertainty with you.
Take a moment to list some things you do know and can control.
In this example, you know you studied and tried your best. You showed up and wrote the test & the test is done now. You'll find out the results on Friday. You also know you make your friends laugh.
Drawing makes you happy & math's not your best subject - you're great at art. You can control how you look after yourself, how you prepare for the next test, and what you choose to do next.
Remember, you still deserve a break, whether you failed the test or not.
You might also want to try noticing the story you're telling yourself.
We often tell ourselves stories predicting the future and think of the worst-case scenario. If you notice that you're telling yourself stories about how awful something's going to be, try reminding yourself that it is a story and telling yourself stories doesn't change the outcome.
Know that you are the hero of your own story. You're strong & you'll find a way to get through this.
So even though you don't know what the future brings, you can choose to focus on right here and right now. This is the moment you can control. Waiting and not knowing is tough, but you can do tough. What do you want to do in this moment to care for yourself?
Self-care looks different to different people - that's okay. Here are some ideas.
You can listen to music, connect with a friend, go outside, read a book or take a breath.
While being with uncertainty is difficult, there are things you can do to support yourself.
Think about what you can and can't control. Notice the story you're telling yourself, and take care of yourself in the here and now.
If you don't know which way to go or what decision to make, remember you don't have to have all the answers all the time. Living with the unknown is just part of being human.
Ready to continue your wellness journey?
Kids Help Phone offers free, private, 24/7 support across Canada.
For anything on your mind, big or small. Visit KidsHelpPhone.ca or call 1-800-668-6868. Text 686868.
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger/needs help with a safety plan, you can contact 911, the emergency services in your area or mobile crisis support (if it's available near you) right away.


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