10 Things I wish I would have known BEFORE learning Kubernetes

Описание к видео 10 Things I wish I would have known BEFORE learning Kubernetes

In this video, I am sharing 10 tips with you. These suggestions are based on the tips that I would have liked to have when I got started learning about Kubernetes and the cloud native ecosystem.

Link to Blog: https://anaisurl.com/10-things-i-wish...

00:00​ - Introduction
00:55 - Start Anywhere
02:32​ - Use Tools early
05:03 - Put yourself out there
05:54 - You cannot learn everything
06:54 - Ask questions
08:37​ - Copy and Paste
09:12​ - Write More
10:29​ - Practice More
10:56​ - Utilise Opportunities
11:30​ - Keep Going
12:07​ - Outro

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