Beatrice Coda Negozio & Carlo Luigi Ostorero - The AI at the service of the restoration

Описание к видео Beatrice Coda Negozio & Carlo Luigi Ostorero - The AI at the service of the restoration

International Symposium - 27 & 28 November, Brussels (Belgium)
"Bringing Art Nouveau heritage back to life: theory and practice in restoration. From the Venice Charter to the Turin Declaration."

Beatrice Coda Negozio & Carlo Luigi Ostorero - A new language to bring back to life the seduction of the last style. The AI at the service of the restoration

// Beatrice Coda Negozio is an architect based in Turin. She is the author of publications about Turin architectural heritage and Curator of the exhibit Liberty. Torino Capitale, October 2023-June 2024, Palazzo Madama Torino.
// Carlo Luigi Ostorero is professor at the Faculty of Building Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Turin. His research focuses on architectural restoration, construction history, and innovative technologies applied to architectural design and construction.

This symposium was organised as part of the European project ‘Art Nouveau as a New EUtopia’, co-funded by the European Union.
Graphics: Noemi Kruppa
Video capture and editing : Simon Besème, Studio Piston


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