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Keto Grocery Shopping: Food Haul VLOG with Thomas DeLauer… All right. This is something a little bit different. Usually, I'm doing my videos in my studio, and I'm showing you from an authoritative way what I'm going to teach you and all this and that. The fact is I wanted to do something a little bit different today, mainly because my head is in a little bit of a different spot. I'm not in the mood to just be in the studio. To cut right to the chase, what I'm going to be talking about in this video is ... I'm running ragged right now, a lot of stress in my life, a lot of things going on, good and bad, but it is what it is.
The point is that where I'm at right now, I don't have the ability to go and get something really, really healthy. Normally, I'll run to Trader Joe's or I'll go to Whole Foods, and I'll get my keto snacks there, and I realized that since I'm going to go to [beep], and I don't know if you guys [beep] grocery stores where you're at, but it's not exactly the healthiest grocery store. They're not notorious for having health foods. It's a great example of what you can do in a situation where you're just in a pinch, and there's been countless times where I've been on road trips with my wife or anything like that, and I'm just like, "Okay. Well, we gotta settle for something. We gotta go to the grocery store. We've gotta maintain keto. We gotta have the least sort of carbon footprint on our body as possible, but we're also understanding that we're not gonna be getting perfect, perfect food, but we're not gonna put garbage in our body, too, then."
This whole video is all about what's going to happen when you're not perfect. Let's see ... You know the whole thing about how you should always be riding the rim of the grocery store, and that all the bad stuff is in the center aisles? That's what it comes down to. Actually, I see ... Let's check this out. Aw, actually, this might work out perfect. Actually, sardines, these are a big thing for me. They're gross to some people, but the fact is, when you're on keto, they actually work out really well. This actually might be perfect. I didn't think I was going to even be able to get some protein in. I might be able to do that. Tuna, for obvious reasons, is pretty low quality, obviously. As you go further up the food chain, like with albacore tuna, bigger tuna like that, higher levels of mercury. You always want to work as close down to the bottom of the food chain as possible. Closer down to the bottom of the food chain, more nutrient value. The smaller fish eat the phytoplankton, things like that, algae, stuff like that. You're going to have more nutrient value. You're also going to have what's called docosahexaenoic acids, DHA, which converts and actually ferments into EPA, eicosapentaenoic acids. That's another kind.
Well, I got kicked out of [beep]. I guess they're anti-keto, but Trader Joe's wouldn't have cared. Trader Joe's would have been like, "Hey, promote us," but the point is this is life, and I now have some Labne, which is actually really cool, and I now know that at least [beep] because I've got one near my house, too. At least I can get Labne there because I actually should probably have done a video on this in the first place because the probiotic effect of this stuff is actually great. I don't know if I'm going to even have the peanut butter. I don't know if I need to. There's enough fat in this. I'm fine, but if you got one cool hack out of this video, it's using this baking chocolate because this is going to change your life.
You're always going to be in a situation where life is throwing you curve balls. You're either getting kicked out of grocery stores or you're getting in trouble for something, but the fact is, every once in a while, you just have to duct tape your life together. Today, I'm not using duct tape. Today, I'm sticking my life together with some peanut butter.
Even though it's been a different video, and it may not be as full of science as you're normally used to, I don't know, something different. If you like these style of videos, if you liked a little bit of kind of a vlog style grocery store hit, let me know, do more of them. It's kind of fun to just have the camera crew along with me and doing something different. As always, keep it locked in here on my channel, and I'll see you in the next video. I'm going to go enjoy some Labne.
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