Three Different Oz Rings for Dual Blade Culvert

Описание к видео Three Different Oz Rings for Dual Blade Culvert
tl;dr: server lag, player diff, and how strong you are will change which ring is better for you to start your first blade storm burst with

some disclaimers:
- im not sure if im utilizing cont4 to its full potential in this video

- my results are not gonna be reflective of yours because we are not at the same level of strength

so the big wall that most people encounter is stage 4 5 and 6. starting out, you'll probably clear stage 4 with nado bod and however many phantom blows. as you get stronger, you'll clear stage 4 with nado bod.

stage 5 is where you see a big gap from the DBs that have their oz rings, full 22s, libbed, etc, versus those that don't.

if you looked closely at the video, you'll notice that im overkilling stage 5 with blade storm by quite a large margin which results in a lot of damage being loss during the phase transition. this is important to highlight as in the cont4 rotation, i am purposely delaying my fatal proc and blade storm to line up better with the cont4 proc. by the time tempest has finished, cont4's score is quite a bit behind. as the video progresses, you'll see that the score of cont4 catches up and even surpasses the other two.

but before you draw any conclusions about the end result, its best to look at the scores BEFORE i began my final burst. at about 1:42 in the video, cont4 is already ahead of chm4 and wj4. is this observation definitive enough?



because we need to once more observe how server lag influenced each run. gaining anywhere from a second to a few on buffs like Last Resort and Fatal will heavily influence the entirety of the run. for the most part, i was executing the rotation to my own standard of play.

as i mentioned at the end of the video, if i can reach that damage threshold where i ONLY need just one nado, bod and asura to finish stage 5-

cont4 wins every time.


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