How to propagate Monstera Albo Part 4: From Cut to Finish

Описание к видео How to propagate Monstera Albo Part 4: From Cut to Finish

Propagating plants is like a “choose your own adventure” there are just so many ways to do things and so many different reasons behind them all. I wish I could fully explain my reasoning for exactly why I do things but I often just act on my “plant parent instinct” (it’s a skill you develop after many years of being a plant parent.)

💧Water propagation is just one of many ways to root a cutting like this. You can also wait for more roots than I did before potting up. I like to pot up early. I would rather it grow all its new roots in the soil than in the water and then have to adjust to being put in soil. (Sometimes I don’t even put it in water first, I just put it directly in soil. This cutting would have been a good candidate for that.)

🪴I will baby this plant for about 2 weeks just making sure that it doesn’t get bone dry but isn’t staying too wet either. After that I water it normally.

🌱I know I said part 4 would be about air layering. But I got behind on filming because of a stomach bug 😬 maybe it will be part 5 😅.

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