Creating a Nighttime Environment for a Newborn

Описание к видео Creating a Nighttime Environment for a Newborn

Safe sleep top 10 list:
1. Back to sleep at all times – for naps during day and sleeping at night
2. Firm sleep surface with a fitted sheet
3. No soft objects, toys, or loose bedding
4. Do not smoke or let others smoke around the baby
5. Keep baby in same room as adult but not in bed
6. Pacifiers have been shown to decrease the risk of SIDS
7. Avoid getting too hot while sleeping. Dress in light PJs, keep the room at a temperature that is comfortable for an adult (ideal 68-72° F)
8. Avoid infant positioners or pillows
9. Do not use home SIDS monitors to reduce risk
10. Do “tummy time” when baby is awake and someone is watching

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Make sure everyone who cares for your baby knows the safe sleep top 10! Tell grandparents, babysitters, and other caregivers to always place him/her on his/her back to sleep in order to reduce the risk of SIDS. Babies who usually sleep on their backs but who are then placed on their stomachs, even for one nap, are at a higher risk for SIDS—so every sleep time counts, even if someone is standing there watching!

TIP: Your baby may fall asleep in your arms, stroller or bouncy chair as well. That is fine, it is too early to create bad habits for the first 3 months. But always remember that strollers and bouncy chairs are only safe if you are watching the baby (an awake adult in the room) but never for nighttime sleep or when an adult is not in the room. Also be mindful of weight requirements to use certain devices and get in the habit of always using all belts and buckles.

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