【Reverse: 1999】Limbo EX-6 Solo with Walmart Eternity

Описание к видео 【Reverse: 1999】Limbo EX-6 Solo with Walmart Eternity

I used His Bounden Duty for 1st part because there are waves of enemies to get HP off for sustain.
⚠ You cannot solo both parts of Limbo with one character. I used a temporary team to complete Part 1 in order to get Druvis solo for Part 2.
In the future, there will be some stages with Petrify Immunity.

P2 Druvis Insight 3 Lv30 R10
His Bounden Duty Lv50
Brave New Word Lv50

00:00 16-1
03:08 16-2

Stella Fantasy OST - Battle Theme


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