Cambio Dolor. A Song by Natalia Oreiro. Spanish Song Lyrics Translated to English.

Описание к видео Cambio Dolor. A Song by Natalia Oreiro. Spanish Song Lyrics Translated to English.

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"Cambio Dolor" by Natalia Oreiro is a powerful song with meaningful lyrics. Let's learn some vocabulary from the song, and as always, I'll provide English translations to help you understand the meaning:

Juraría (verb) - I would swear
Example: Juraría que te vi en el parque ayer. (I would swear that I saw you in the park yesterday.)

Moriría (verb) - I would die
Example: Moriría por estar contigo. (I would die to be with you.)

Mitad (noun) - Half
Example: Toma la mitad del pastel, por favor. (Take half of the cake, please.)

Senderos (noun) - Paths / Trails
Example: Me encanta caminar por senderos en la naturaleza. (I love walking on trails in nature.)

Sueños (noun) - Dreams
Example: Tengo muchos sueños por cumplir en la vida. (I have many dreams to fulfill in life.)

Amores (noun) - Loves / Relationships
Example: Los amores pasados nos enseñan lecciones importantes. (Past loves teach us important lessons.)

Libertad (noun) - Freedom
Example: La libertad es un derecho humano fundamental. (Freedom is a fundamental human right.)

Felicidad (noun) - Happiness
Example: La felicidad se encuentra en las pequeñas cosas de la vida. (Happiness is found in the little things in life.)

Suerte (noun) - Luck
Example: ¡Buena suerte en tu examen! (Good luck on your exam!)

Now, let's create some sentences using the vocabulary from the song:

Juraría que vi un pájaro de colores brillantes en el jardín. (I would swear that I saw a brightly colored bird in the garden.)

Muchas personas sueñan con encontrar el amor verdadero. (Many people dream of finding true love.)

El sendero en el bosque es perfecto para hacer senderismo. (The trail in the forest is perfect for hiking.)

Quiero cambiar el dolor por la libertad de ser yo mismo/a. (I want to exchange pain for the freedom to be myself.)

La felicidad no siempre depende de la suerte; también es resultado del esfuerzo. (Happiness doesn't always depend on luck; it's also the result of effort.)

Remember to listen to the song "Cambio Dolor" by Natalia Oreiro to practice your listening skills and enjoy the music while learning Spanish!

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