I Ran PS3 Games on PS5 Silicon to Prove Sony Wrong

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The rare scenario where an average joe, like me, gets access to a once vehemently overpriced piece of commercial hardware made up of the remains of broken PlayStations, and hacked it up to benchmark and test stupid things that should have never been done with the system. This is the AMD BC-250, and how I got Arch Linux running with graphics acceleration, to figure out just how bad of an idea it is to buy this thing.

Grab the BC-250 packages on the AUR: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages?O=...

Thanks to Segfault for doing work on discovering the Mesa patch, creating modified firmware for these blades, and generally making them usable in any way. Thanks jvyden & beyley for the help in bisecting the kernel & creating PKGBUILDs for the packages we patched!

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