2023 Kadar Family Award - Dr. Uri Ben-David

Описание к видео 2023 Kadar Family Award - Dr. Uri Ben-David

Dr. Uri Ben-David of the Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry in the Sackler Faculty of Medicine studies cancer cells and what differentiates them from regular cells. He hopes to help develop treatments which will kill cancer without harming any surrounding tissue.

Dr. Ben-David is one of this year's recipients of the Kadar Family Award for Outstanding Research at Tel Aviv University, which celebrates pioneering scientists and scholars who have reached the highest levels of excellence in both research and teaching. For the past eight years, the Award has been granted annually to four TAU researchers, two senior and two junior faculty members, from across the entire spectrum of faculties and disciplines on the TAU campus.

This year's event took place Friday May 19, 2023.

Website of Kadar Family Award: https://kadar-award.tau.ac.il/

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