[playlist]エモいレトロ洋楽citypopでrelax timeを✨/Relax time with emo retro citypop/[Beats to Chill & Relax]

Описание к видео [playlist]エモいレトロ洋楽citypopでrelax timeを✨/Relax time with emo retro citypop/[Beats to Chill & Relax]

昔と現代の音楽をミックスした洋楽city popを作っています。


I make city pop music that mixes old and modern music.
I bring you nostalgic and chill music.
I upload videos every day at 20 o'clock Japan time.
Subscribing to the channel will encourage you to create videos, so please do so.👉"🔔"

Perfect to chill, work, relax, study, cook, have lunch or dinner, play video games, homework, walk and run, meditate, yoga, or even drive!

00:00 Memories of time gone by(時が過ぎた思い出)
02:17 My city(私の街)
04:33 City of Memories(思い出の街)
06:27 perfect day for a drive(絶好のドライブ日和)
09:13 Blue Horizon(青い地平線)
12:06 Daytime Drive(デイタイムドライブ)
14:46 Summer's End Drive(夏の終わりのドライブ)
17:55 City Skyline Cruise(街を眺めながらクルージング)
20:07 Embrace your dreams(夢を抱いて)
23:18 Footsteps echoing in the street(通りに響く足音)
26:26 Time is gone(時は過ぎ去った)
29:12 Whispering in the breeze(そよ風にささやく)
32:05 Whispers of the tides(渦潮のささやき)
35:26 City Twilight(シティートワイラト)
38:10 City Girl(シティーガール)
41:01 in the city Lights(街の光)
44:06 Lonely place(孤独な場所)
46:09 our load(私たちの道)
48:24 Sunset Tears(日没の涙)
50:57 City Lights Glow(街の光の輝き)
53:49 Echoes of sunset(夕日のこだま)
56:27 Promises of That Day(あの日の約束)
59:36 Urban Evening(午後の都会)


Illustration generated & edited by Chill Song Studio
Music generated & mixing and mastering by Chill Song Studio
AI is involved in the creation of music and other things.
#citypop #lofi #hiphop #chillhop #jazzhop


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