ফল গাছে এত ফল হয় জাপানে,কিন্তু জাপানিজরা খায় না Unpicked fruit trees in Japan

Описание к видео ফল গাছে এত ফল হয় জাপানে,কিন্তু জাপানিজরা খায় না Unpicked fruit trees in Japan

Farhana Jerin, with her love for adventure, went into a peaceful Japanese garden. She was surrounded by beautiful nature and fruit-filled trees. Seeing so many untouched fruits made her feel both curious and a bit sad. This made her think about how people in her home country, Bangladesh, might treat these fruits differently. As Farhana's story unfolds, her adventure turns into a journey of understanding different cultures. The many fruits become a story of either really liking and taking care of them or accidentally ignoring the gifts of nature.

"Unlocking Japan's Orchard Secrets: What Happens to the Abundance of Unpicked Fruits?"
"The Hidden Harvest: Investigating Japan's Fruit Trees and Their Unconsumed Bounty"
"From Trees to Trash? Decoding the Fate of Unused Fruits in Japan's Orchards"
"Japan's Fruit Dilemma: Do They Really Let All Those Fruits Go to Waste?"
"Untouched Beauty: Exploring the Unseen World of Japan's Unpicked Fruit Trees"


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