Instant ACTIVATION of BG3 Energy in your BODY

Описание к видео Instant ACTIVATION of BG3 Energy in your BODY

BG3 ENERGY activation
The harmonizing and healing energies of BG3
Sacred Geometry Centers within Your ENERGY BODY
Dr. Robert Gilbert explains the power of sacred geometry and bio-geometry and how to use them in our daily lives through balancing personal and social energies. The Lost Energy Science used in Ancient Egypt, China, India, Europe and other great cultures. Practical methods to directly detect and apply the full range of invisible vibrations which affect human life (secrets of the "Universal Vibrational Spectrum"). The science of establishing harmony in energy quality exchange between biological fields and their environment, through the use of a design language of form, color, motion and sound.” It is the resulting subtle energy harmony, which brings about the healing qualities of BioGeometry.

►Many thanks to Dr. Robert Gilbert.
Check out his work -
►Speaker's Bio:
Robert J. Gilbert Ph.D. is the founder and Director of the Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies, located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Dr. Gilbert has thousands of students from all over the world who attend his Live and Online trainings. Dr. Gilbert is known for his ability to take in vast amounts of diverse information and present it in a clear, concise, easily understandable form which empowers his students to directly apply powerful techniques.

©️ SOURCE CREDIT:    / @thevesicainstitute  

🎵BACKGROUND MUSIC licensed through AudioJungle, Epidemic Sound & Artlist

🎥FOOTAGE licensed through VideoBlocks, Filmpac and Artgrid except parts about the topic that have been used under fair use.

►All materials in these videos are used for educational purposes and fall within the guidelines of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. If you are or represent the copyright owner of materials used in this video and have a problem with the use of said material, please send me an email,
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