The Orisha Tarot Deck by Andrew McGregor, Obatilemî : Lukumi Pataki

Описание к видео The Orisha Tarot Deck by Andrew McGregor, Obatilemî : Lukumi Pataki

The Orisha Tarot Unboxing & First impressions

Feel the powerful energy and wisdom of the Orishas in this profound and approachable deck. When you ask The Orisha Tarot for divinatory guidance, you are accessing the knowledge of countless generations, from the spiritual tradition as well as the training of practitioners throughout thousands of years. The cards hold deep meaning in both the foreground scenes and background textiles, telling the stories of people and spirits through symbols. With its bright, dynamic, and captivating artwork, this deck enhances your readings and encourages you to live boldly.

If you are interested in the rich stories and mythology of the orishas and are already familiar with tarot, the Orisha Tarot is a wonderful way to learn. One of the great benefits of tarot is that once you know the basic language, you have a kind of Rosetta stone for learning other things by using themed decks.

The art is fresh and lively and draws upon the layered symbolism of the orisha tradition. The book tells the stories, provides interpretations, and includes solutions to various situations represented by the cards. Let’s take a look at one of my favorites, Oshun as the Lovers card.

Story Pataki

The king of a town wanted to wage war on the town of women. He asked his warriors to go and capture them. Shango, Babaluaiye, Ogun, and others all went and were turned back in defeat. The king then asked the female orisha to go. Yemaya said Oshun should go first, but Oya (being proud and fierce) insisted that she go first. Returning defeated Oshun was then sent. Being wise, she divined before going and was told to bring a calabash, a kind of gourd, she could play and sing along with. She made offerings and went singing about how she did not know how to fight. As she sang, the women in their town came to see what she was talking about. They put down their weapons and joined her in song. Together they all left the town of women. She walked them right into the city where the men were waiting outside. Together they all lived and became the followers of Oshun.


This is a card where we need to be clear about what we want. We cannot suppose that others know what we need or how to go about getting it. We cannot rely on traditional roles either. It may be that only through divination is the way forward known. It is also important to not fight. Confrontation won’t win the day when this card shows up.

About the Author

Andrew McGregor, Oba tilemî (Ontario, Canada) has studied tarot for thirty years and is an initiate of the western mystery traditions. He is also an initiate in Lukumi (Santeria) and as well as an artist and author. Visit him online at


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