Episode 3: What Does Being "All-In" in Recovery Work After Infidelity Look Like?

Описание к видео Episode 3: What Does Being "All-In" in Recovery Work After Infidelity Look Like?

"Are you 'all in' in your recovery work Sam?" I'll never forget the day my therapist asked me that question so point blank while on his couch. It was a day that changed my outlook on repair work entirely. Until that moment, no one had asked me that question with such great authority and confidence. Now, (graciously I might add) let James and I ask you, the Unfaithful: Are you "all in" in your own recovery work?" Definitions vary and opinions vary even more on what being "all in" actually looks like. Yet, today James and I share both practical and clinical insight into what an Unfaithful (male or female) can do to be "all in" in their own repair work and relationship. Without being all in were doomed to fail. Why you might ask? Well, if you're just doing the bare minimum, or checking boxes, or simply existing, how are you really doing real work of humility, loving self-confrontation and remorse? If you're not all in how can you actually find out the reason for your affair or addiction? If you're playing games in recovery work, how can you expect to find healing and prevent relapse? Today, James and I will go in depth into sharing insight and practical markers into what it means to be 'all in' in recovery work for both yourself and your relationship.
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