
Описание к видео Alveolitis

Inflammation of the bone socket which occurs after a tooth extraction is known as Alveolitis (Dry Socket). This infection is usually seen in smokers after a tooth extraction in the lower jaw. Beside smoking a careless or inefficient handling of the tooth socket after extraction by the dentist may also lead to Alveolitis. The pain usually surfaces within two to four days after the tooth extraction. An Osteomyelitis should be ruled out. Ideally, the bone socket should be filled with blood immediately after the extraction. If it doesn’t happen naturally, the tooth sockets are cleansed using a sharp spoon. Traditionally methods of using tampons soaked in antibiotics are outdated and not recommended nowadays. Lastly the wound must be tightly closed in order to prevent entry of further pathogens. What must be noted is that, Alveolitis is a type of bone infection which should be treated by surgically removing all septic and pathogenic material from the wound. This video will give a clear idea of Alveolitis and how to avoid it.


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