Описание к видео ANDROECIUM

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ANDROECIUM:It is the third whorl of the flower.It is present between corolla and gynoecium or second and fourth whorl.It is one of the essential organ of the flower and consists of stamens or microsporophylls.The stamens are male reproductive organs of the flower.STAMINODE: Sterile stamens are called staminodes. Example:CassiaPARTS OF A STAMEN: Each stamen has two main parts, 1.Filament and 2.Anther.
FILAMENT:The stalk of the stamen is called filament.ANTHER: The upper swollen part of the stamen is called anther.CONNECTIVE: The tissue connecting the anther and filament is called connective.Externally, it appears like a longitudinal grove.
ANTHER:The upper swollen part of the stamen is called Anther. It contains one or two sac like structures called ANTHER LOBES.Based on the number of anther lobes, anthers are of two types.DITHECOUS ANTHER: Anther with two lobes. It commonly appears in plants. Example:Datura.MONOTHECOUS ANTHER:Anther with one lobe. Example:Hibiscus.INTRORSE:The dehiscence of anthers occurs towards the outer side of the flower. Example:Hibiscus.EXTRORSE: The dehiscence of anthers occurs towards the innerside of the flower.Example:Datura. ATTACHMENT OF FILAMENT TO ANTHERS:The filament is attached to anther in different ways as follows:1. Basifixed, 2. Adnate, 3. Dorsifixed and 4. Versatile.BASIFIXED:The filament is attached to the base of the anther. Example:Datura.ADNATE;The filament is attached to the whole length or from base to apex at the back side of the anther. Example:Nelumbo.DORSIFIXED:The filament is attached to the anther on the mid dorsal side. Example:Hibiscus.VERSATILE;The apex of the filament is pointed and is attached to the back of the anther at a point.The anther can swing freely in any direction. Example:Oryzasativa.LENGTH OF STAMENS:In some flowers, length of stamens and length of the corolla are not of same height, Based on this, two types of androecium are noticed, as follows:DIDYNAMOUSANDROECIUM:Androecium has four stamens, in which two stamens are long and two stamens are short and are present in two whorls. Example:Ocimum.TETRADYNAMOUSANDROECIUM:Androecium has six stamens, in which four stamens are long, two stamens are short and are present in two whorls.It is characaterstic feature of family Brassicaceae.Example:Brassica.Based on the length of stamens when compared to other floral parts(petals), they are of two types.INSERTED STAMENS:In some flowers the filaments are shorter than the petals. So,thestamens remain within the flower. Examples:Datura, Dolichos.EXERTED STAMENS:
In some flowers, the filaments of the stamens are longer than the petals,
The stamens come out of the flowers. Examples: Acacciaarabica.


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