Can't give semen sample|नहीं दे पा रहा वीर्य|Dr. Sunil Jindal|Jindal Hospital Meerut

Описание к видео Can't give semen sample|नहीं दे पा रहा वीर्य|Dr. Sunil Jindal|Jindal Hospital Meerut

In case you have any query please fix an online consultation on +91 8006666085.
Intentionally abstaining from ejaculating or semen retention is basically what it sounds like. It’s the act of avoiding ejaculation. People who practice Taoism and tantric sex have been doing it for centuries.
You can abstain from ejaculating by not engaging in sexual activity or by teaching yourself to orgasm without ejaculating.
People do it for various reasons. For some it’s about spiritual or emotional growth. Others believe it could improve their fertility. There are also people who believe it increases physical strength and builds muscle.
someother question asked by patient
What happens if a man doesn't release sperm?
What causes inability to sperm?
Is it possible for a man to not be able to produce sperm?
What are the effects of not ejaculating?
Is it good to not release sperm always?What causes low sperm pressure?
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What happens if a man doesn't release sperm?
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At what age do men stop producing sperm?
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Dr. Sunil Jindal Reproductive specialist
(Endoscopic / Microsurgery / IVF / ICSI)
Surgeon, Andrologist, IVF sp by training,
Orator, Author, teacher by passion
Over 6000 babies born by ART

Dr. Anshu Jindal
High Risk Obstetrician & Gynaecologist,
Infertility Specialist,
Over 6000 babies born by ART
Medical Director Jindal Hospital & Dr. Madhu Jindal Memorial Test Tube Baby Centre, Meerut

There's nothing I love more than giving children to infertile couples
Website -
Appointment – 9897900920,
WhatsApp – 8006666085, 8006666004
Email – [email protected]

We bring to you this video from the state of the art fertility centre for men and women,Jindal hospital and test tube baby centre.This video is for patient and doctor education so that you are wiser in pursuing your dream and goal of having a baby for yourself or your patients.All the best-You are a champion!

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