ALLAMA IQBAL and his philosophy

Описание к видео ALLAMA IQBAL and his philosophy

This video will make you concepts clear about the followings

Concept of Khudi or self actualization
Concept of Millat
Concept of ijtihad
He has given an ever

inspiring treasure of knowledge and philosophy through his works. His philosophy of
politics is based on Islamic ideology. He adopted verses of Quran as his medium of
expression. He took serious interest in political matters during his stay in Europe.
This study is qualitative in nature. Iqbal opposes the concept of Western democracy
and promoted spiritual democracy which is based on the concept of Muslim
nationalism and leads to Islamic universalism which provided ideological
foundations to Pakistan movement and came to be known as ‘spiritual father of
Pakistan. This study recommends that by following the philosophy of Iqbal with true
sense of spirit it will lead Pakistan towards progress, prosperity and will have to
carry out the work of leading the world


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