Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Elite Dangerous

Описание к видео Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Elite Dangerous

This ULTIMATE beginner's guide to elite dangerous will explain Combat, exploration, trading, Engineering , ships upgrades menus...the basics and some not-so-basics for the first timers...and even maybe old timers too on one of the most immersive experiences in videogaming that this space sim offers.

video list:
Rules of elite :    • RULES of Elite Dangerous  
Station video :    • Top 5 BEST home stations in Elite Dan...  
Road to riches :    • NEW Road to riches [Elite Dangerous]  
Outfitting video :    • Beginner's guide : ship Outfitting, m...  
Ultimate mining guide :    • Ultimate Beginner's guide to MINING i...  
Ultimate engineering guide :    • Ultimate Beginner's guide to ENGINEER...  
Sidewinder vs Thargoid :    • How to kill a Thargoid in a SIDEWINDE...  
27 hours to upgrade a space suit :    • It takes INSANE amount of time to UPG...  

EDDB : https://eddb.io/
ED tools : https://edtools.cc/
Wiki : https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wi...
Inara : https://inara.cz/
EDSM : https://www.edsm.net/
EDEngineer : https://github.com/msarilar/EDEngineer

00:00 - Start
01:46 - Tutorial
02:29 - Pips
03:14 - Extra keymapping
04:13 - Flight assist
04:44 - Rules of Elite
05:05 - 3rd party tools
05:30 - EDDB
06:19 - ED Tools
06:31 - Wiki
06:51 - Inara
07:02 - EDSM
07:19 - EDEngineer
07:30 - Exploration
08:22 - Finding home station
09:10 - Road to riches
10:49 - Missions
11:29 - Outfitting
13:20 - Ships
14:27 - Trading
15:35 - Trading early
16:32 - Mining
17:20 - Piracy
18:07 - Combat
19:46 - Master Bait
21:07 - Stuff that does't matter
23:57 - How to play with a friend
26:04 - SRV & planet landings
28:11 - Engineering
29:19 - Endgame
31:28 - Odyssey
33:13 - Conclusion

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