Healing Tune Live 2024 feat. Irdorath

Описание к видео Healing Tune Live 2024 feat. Irdorath

We, Celtica, have dedicated "Healing Tune" to Irdorath during the 2 years they were in prison in Belarus for playing bagpipes at a demonstration against the anti-democratic regime. At Middleeuws Fest 2024 in Winschoten, the place where we have met Irdorath the first time, we could play this tune together with them - they are free, they are not broken and they are back on stage. These moments were emotinal highlights for everybody: audience, sound technicians, photographers, film crew, stage manager, roadies, for us and of course especially for Nadia, Vova, Aleksandra and the new band members. Bert Hensema has organised the sparklers, and together we were able to give them a wonderful moment. Thank you, Irdorath, for returning to the stage!
Stage Cam: Mona Hollerweger, additional footage (sorry for reduced quality) by Bert Hensema and CeltCast.


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