Master All Forms of Magic Spell Subliminal to Become Powerful

Описание к видео Master All Forms of Magic Spell Subliminal to Become Powerful

We all have power inside of us. Energy is in everything and flows all around us. If you put your hands together , then pull them apart, you can feel a ball of energy in between them. Some call it "chi or prana" it's energy you hold inside of you brought outwards.

This Subliminal will change your DNA to achieve your desired results. It will change every molecule, bone structure, and cell in your body to your desired power fulfillment. This will work for any and all powers you wish to have, I have included multiple layered subliminals to change your subconscious so that desired results are achieved. As this took me over a month to make I will not be making any other versions since this subliminal covers ALL Desired Powers. Anything you Wish and Desire to have , it's already yours because it's already inside of you! Consciousness creates your universe, a reflection of the whole. our concepts create a hologram universe which is an overlay of duality and Maya upon the whole. We live in our world not the world. "you" are ultimately the universe and more, but haven't realized that yet. The way to the realization of what you are is an inner journey. Drilling into the core reveals the universe hidden within one's central void.

I have my desired powers
I master all the elements
I control minds
I control my reality and everything around me
I can manipulate anything and everything around me with my powers
I can do everything with my desired powers
I am infinite
I have God Tier abilities
Nothing can stop me from becoming who I was always meant to be
I believe in my subliminals
I already have my results
Stop doubting silly it's already yours! Please only use your powers for Good for with Great Power comes great Responsibility.
tips :

✧ Drink a lot of water! This will help improve your results and make the results come faster. It will also help ease any discomfort you have.

✧ Use earphones! You can listen to it without earphones but it will be much more effective if you use earphones so that it will be easier absorbed by your subconscious.

✧ Listen to it for over 3x! Even though the affirmations are repeated a lot in this video, it will be much better if you listen to it a lot.

✧ Listen to it overnight! It is even better if you listen to it overnight because when you are asleep you are much less guarded and the subliminal will be much more effective.

about this subliminal:

✧ I NEVER include negative affirmations in my subs so you guys can listen to this without any worries!

✧ Please comment any results you get! This might not seem like a lot to ask but it will help anyone who is thinking about using this sub and it helps me too!

✧ Like and subscribe! I do not like doing self promos but since this is a new account, it is hard to gain publicity and I spend a lot of time making these subs. Thanks!

Enter the Present Moment of Now,
By observing your natural breathing flow,
Become The NOW
#forcedsubliminal #magic #viral #spells #powerful #power


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