Heroes in Action

Описание к видео Heroes in Action

‪@caninesforheroesnptsd1744‬ The Life-Changing Impact of Canines for Heroes: A Tale of Unconditional Support and Healing
In a world where the invisible wounds of war and emergency services often reign with relentless dominance, a beacon of hope emerges in the most unlikely form—a four-legged friend with unwavering loyalty and a heart full of love. This isn’t just any love, but a methodical, trained form of love that is born out of a veterans’ advocacy program called Canines for Heroes. Here at Island Walk in Venice, Florida, the pageantry of philanthropy takes the form of an annual golf tournament where one gets to witness the monumental impact of a service dog on those who have given much for their countries and communities. This is a narrative of courage, support, and the power of heartwarming partnerships.

Mark LaFlamme, the founder of Canines for Heroes, was once like the individuals he serves, a First Responder and a veteran too. When confronted with the harrowing string of suicides amongst his compatriots, an unrelenting drive to make a tangible difference overwhelmed him. The mission was clear—offer a lifeline to those who had once been everyone else’s. In 2016, the Canines for Heroes program was born, nurtured by the very community it sought to uplift. to read more: https://caninesforheroes.org/four-paw...


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