
Описание к видео 滑铁卢及西部周边地区市场分析


多伦多周边市场在大多地区的活跃上涨所带动,蝴蝶效应发挥出最大的功效,整体市场呈现出上涨趋势。Waterloo- Kitchener地区在这些周边地区市场的表现中,显示出极为显著的优势。优质的教育资源,如:滑铁卢大学,劳瑞尔大学;高科技产业企业集中设立研发中心,如:华为;新兴创新企业的高存活率;租赁市场的平稳发展等,都为这个地区的房地产市场开发带来无限潜力。本期讲座将具体分析滑铁卢地区的主要优势,并对具体实例展开分析。

【HomeLife Landmark | Training Seminar】the analysis of the real estate market in the Waterloo-Kitchener region

In this training seminar, we will show that how is the development of the real estate market in Waterloo-Kitchener region. Based on the outstanding sources of education, high-tech corporations and the trend of potential development, it will give an opportunity to widen and extend the real estate market here due to its advantages on sales and rend market. And we will discuss and explain why the Waterloo-Kitchener region becomes more and more popular with investors.


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