The Erasure & Resurgence of Black & Queer Country Music

Описание к видео The Erasure & Resurgence of Black & Queer Country Music

#music #country #history #culture

Country Music has been twisted & turned in every which way since it's creation, and I wanted to take a moment to clarify some misconceptions about country music and what the future of country music has the potential to be. Black, Indigenous & Queer musicians are constantly facing roadblocks in the genre they established.

I love country music so much and I want to share that love and meaning with the people who don’t feel like country was made for them, because it was. Its been changed and twisted and rebranded but the roots of country music are alive and well, and I hope you check out some of these incredible musicians and support them as they work their way through the country music landscape. If you wanna see more videos like this and if you have anything you wanna mention, let me know in the comments below.

Find Me on Instagram, TikTok and Twitter @howdyimvictoria.

A Delicious Country Sampler playlist to satisfy your most desirable ~country cravings ~

Queer & BIPOC Country Artists
Queen Esthers Channel
   / @queenesther  

Joy Oladokun - Songwriter and Musician
   / @joyoladokun  

Crys Matthews
   / crysmatthews  

Jake Blount - Where Did You Sleep Last Night
   • Jake Blount - Where Did You Sleep Las...  

Amethyst Kiah
   / amythystkiah  

Elias Krell - Live Hanover Strings Presents
   • Hanover Strings Presents Upstream Liv...  

Paisley Fields
   / jameswilsonmusic  

Little Bandit - Alex Caress
   / alexcaressme  

Secret Emchy Society
   / secretemchysociety  

Resources for Country Music History:
Queen Esther: The Origins of Country Music
   • Queen Esther: The true origins of cou...  

‪@BuzzFeedVideo‬ How Black People in America Shaped Todays Country Music
   • How Black People In America Shaped To...  

‪@SoundFieldPBS‬ Is Blues the Mother of All Modern Music?
   • Is Blues the Mother of All Modern Music?  

How Country Music Descended From Black Culture
‪@nowthisimpact‬    • How Country Music Descended From Blac...  


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