15 Unbelievable Elephant Attacks & Interactions Caught On Camera!

Описание к видео 15 Unbelievable Elephant Attacks & Interactions Caught On Camera!

Elephants are amazing creatures. They’re smart, friendly, and have amazing memories. They are not violent animals, but if they become upset for one reason or other, you better get out of the way. Have you ever seen an elephant cuddle? What about one eating a watermelon? If you want to see elephants doing unusual things, stick around as we count down 15 unbelievable elephant attacks and interactions caught on camera.

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A Man Calls An Elephant

If you think your dog is smart when you call for him because he comes running to you without hesitation, watch this man call out these elephants and see them galloping towards him at full speed. It’s all good as long as they don’t decide to hug the man because he will be crushed like a tomato. These elephants are like his dogs and whenever he calls them, they respond and immediately come running to him. That’s quite a crew of bodyguards he’s picked out for himself. One of the elephants even kisses him with its trunk. How cute is that?

Who said elephants don’t like to be in the spotlight? Watch this elephant approach the mic so he could be interviewed. In our next video, this massive elephant with huge tusks seems to be telling its owner he wants to go somewhere. The owner gives the elephant a few friendly taps on the body and walks in the direction the elephant pointed to. Finally, the relationship between this man and his elephant is amazing. They play hide-and-seek and the elephant follows the man everywhere he goes, even when the man climbs a tree, the elephant tries to climb the tree to be with him. If that’s not true friendship, I don’t know what is.

Elephant Vs Humans

In Africa, humans, and elephants co-evolved from earlier species. Humans have always coexisted with these incredible creatures, and we have a lot in common with them. The young of both elephants and humans require a long time to mature. Both have extensive social networks and both like playing games. Check out these young men tease this elephant by sneaking up on it and slapping it in the butt. I mean, if there’s one but you can’t miss, it’s an elephant’s. The elephant acts like a teenager, upset, and turns around to see who slapped its butt. When the elephant has had enough, it even kicks out its hind leg and turns around to chase the man who scrams out of there.

In our next clip, this elephant wants a snack and asks this shop owner for something. When he refuses, the elephant removes parts of the roof of the shop and the man tries fending off the elephant with a long stick. The elephant walks away, but not before causing a lot of damage. Finally, this elephant is taunted by these young men, and they sort of move away from the elephant, probably because they sense it’s going to do something crazy. The kids are pulling on some type of rope and yelling at the elephant when the elephant picks up a bunch of branches with its trunk and throws the branches at the kids who avoid being hit by reacting quickly.


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