A rule of law for our new age of anxiety, Stephen Toope 346th Vice-Chancellor, Cambridge University

Описание к видео A rule of law for our new age of anxiety, Stephen Toope 346th Vice-Chancellor, Cambridge University

Stephen Toope, previous 346th Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University, ‘A rule of law for our new age of anxiety’ and thoughts of a Vice-Chancellor.


Recording of Professor Toope's discussion with Trinity in Japan on 8th October 2024.

Professor Stephen Toope (Trinity 1983), and since 2016 Honorary Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge
Professor Stephen Toope is currently the 5th President and CEO of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR)
From 2017 – 2022, Professor Toope was the 346th Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge
Professor Toope (Trinity 1983) graduated with a PhD in arbitration law from Trinity College Cambridge in 1987, and on 21 October 2016 was elected Honorary Fellow of Trinity.
Professor Toope graduated with an A.B. degree in English Literature and European History from Harvard College, and graduated with law degrees in common law and civil law from the McGill University Faculty of Law in 1983.

スティーブン・トゥープ教授(Trinity 1983)
スティーブン・トゥープ教授は、現在カナダ先端研究機構 Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, CIFAR 理事長
2016年10月21日〜 トリニティコレッジの名誉フェロー

and in Japanese


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