5 | AI & Knowledge Sharing fit for tomorrow | Matt Wahlrab, CEO, RapidAlpha

Описание к видео 5 | AI & Knowledge Sharing fit for tomorrow | Matt Wahlrab, CEO, RapidAlpha

Matt Wahlrab, Founder and CEO of Rapid alpha, will take us on a journey around future AI assisted research and evaluation approaches.

Innovation Day - Focus seminar on using AI to drive smarter IP and Innovation

Welcome to our exciting event diving into how corporates are using Artificial Intelligence to drive Intellectual Property and smarter Innovation!

We address two main themes. Under Human Augmented Intelligence speakers elaborate on practical experience from using AI for more efficient innovation workflows, with real-life reviews and best-practice, from automated ideation and searching to patent drafting. The second topic Art of Finding gives insights on current and future AI trends to assist IP experts and innovation managers, with new ways of thinking to support innovation in a rapidly changing world.



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