The Starfleet Promise (1966 - 2020) (Star Trek tribute / supercut)

Описание к видео The Starfleet Promise (1966 - 2020) (Star Trek tribute / supercut)

The trial never ends.


The Martian was the best Star Trek movie of the 2010s, change my mind

0:00 Voyager - Dark Frontier
0:28 Star Trek - The Ultimate Computer
0:30 Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
0:32 TNG - Legacy
0:35 Voyager - Child's Play
0:36 TNG - Booby Trap
0:38 TNG - Gambit, Part I
0:41 Star Trek: Insurrection
0:43 Star Trek - Return to Tomorrow (audio); Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
0:46 Voyager (Intro)
0:49 TNG - The Enemy (audio); Enterprise - These Are the Voyages
0:58 Star Trek - The Cage (audio)
1:00 Discovery - Saints of Imperfection (audio); Discovery - Will You Take My Hand
1:05 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
1:08 The Orville - Command Performance
1:20 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
1:23 The Orville - Command Performance
1:27 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
1:30 Voyager - Dark Frontier
1:32 DS9 - Penumbra
1:33 Star Trek: Insurrection
1:35 Discovery - Saints of Imperfection
1:38 Voyager - Night
1:41 Discovery - Saints of Imperfection
1:44 Voyager - Night
1:54 DS9 - Armageddon Game
1:55 DS9 - Extreme Measures
1:56 Star Trek - The Galileo Seven
2:01 Voyager - Night
2:04 DS9 - The Ascent
2:07 Discovery - Saints of Imperfection (alternate angle - from Netflix season 2 trailer #2)
2:09 Star Trek - The Galileo Seven
2:11 Discovery - Light and Shadows
2:13 The Martian
2:20 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
2:23 Voyager - Dark Frontier
2:27 Stargate SG-1 - 200
2:31 Stargate SG-1 - Into the Fire
2:37 Star Trek - The Galileo Seven
2:46 Enterprise - Minefield
2:56 Discovery - What's Past Is Prologue
3:01 Firefly - Safe
3:08 TNG - The First Duty
3:11 TNG - Remember Me
3:13 TNG - Justice
3:19 TNG - Final Mission
3:21 DS9 - Starship Down
3:28 Short Treks - The Brightest Star
3:31 Discovery - The Sounds of Thunder
3:40 Star Trek - The Gamesters of Triskelion
3:49 The Martian - Bring Him Home
3:53 Discovery - Into the Forest I Go
3:57 DS9 - The Way of the Warrior
3:59 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
4:04 TNG (Intro)
4:06 Star Trek: First Contact
4:07 Star Trek: Nemesis
4:09 Voyager - Basics, Part II
4:11 Voyager - Fair Trade
4:19 Enterprise - The Expanse
4:22 Discovery - Saints of Imperfection
4:23 DS9 - Starship Down
4:25 TNG - Q Who
4:26 Voyager - Fair Trade
4:29 DS9 - The Ascent
4:31 Star Trek - Amok Time
4:33 Discovery - Saints of Imperfection
4:34 TNG - Night Terrors
4:35 TNG - Disaster
4:37 DS9 - The Siege of AR-558
4:38 DS9 - Hard Time
4:39 TNG - Sins of the Father
4:52 Star Trek: First Contact
4:54 TNG - Sins of the Father
4:57 Voyager - Year of Hell
4:59 Star Trek: Generations
5:01 Enterprise - A Night in Sickbay
5:02 TNG - All Good Things
5:03 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
5:05 DS9 - Strange Bedfellows
5:11 Star Trek - Bread and Circuses
5:14 Star Trek - Journey to Babel
5:17 Star Trek - Bread and Circuses
5:22 Voyager - Imperfection
5:25 Voyager - Survival Instinct
5:27 Voyager - Imperfection
5:32 Discovery - Such Sweet Sorrow, Part I
5:36 Galaxy Quest
5:38 DS9 - Strange Bedfellows
5:42 Star Trek - The Immunity Syndrome
5:47 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
5:50 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
5:51 Voyager - Night
5:52 Discovery - Such Sweet Sorrow, Part II
5:53 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
5:54 Stargate SG-1 - Into the Fire
5:56 The Martian
5:57 Star Trek: The Motion Picture
5:58 Voyager - Day of Honor
5:59 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
6:01 Galaxy Quest
6:03 Picard - Et in Arcadia Ego, Part II
6:14 TNG - The Measure of a Man (audio, extended scene); TNG - Disaster
6:17 TNG - The Measure of a Man
6:20 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
6:23 Star Trek - The Galileo Seven
6:25 DS9 - The Ascent
6:27 DS9 - By Inferno's Light
6:28 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
6:30 The Martian
6:33 Enterprise - Kir'Shara
6:37 Star Trek - Journey to Babel
6:39 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
6:42 TNG - Sarek
6:44 Discovery - What's Past Is Prologue
6:46 TNG - Unification, Part II
6:48 Star Trek: First Contact
6:49 TNG - The Best of Both Worlds, Part II
6:51 TNG - The Measure of a Man
6:55 - 7:00 Star Trek: Nemesis
7:39 TNG - All Good Things (audio)
7:43 Galaxy Quest
7:48 Star Trek - The Cage
7:50 Picard - Remembrance
7:52 Picard - Stardust City Rag
7:59 - 8:16 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock


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