番長オイカワと出会う フライフィッシング 2023年7-8月

Описание к видео 番長オイカワと出会う フライフィッシング 2023年7-8月

0:00 Opening
0:26 丸々したメスたち Big females
2:00 早朝のオス Early morning male
3:00 新しいロッド New rod
3:25 久々の婚姻色 Long time no see!
4:55 なかなか良いサイズ Another Good Zacco
6:15 番長オイカワ Boss of Zacco
8:17 よき日々 good days




A movie that I found a boss of beautiful zacco at a new point I was exploring during July and August. This is a compilation of the last two days of fishing for the one.

At first, I hardly even got a hit, then gradually started to find good flies, sinks, and points, and got a hit, but only caught females. Finally, I caught a few colored males and met the boss. I was glad that I did not give up and chased them.

I am thankful for the Zaccos, the Tama River, and fly fishing.

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とあるフライマン|A Fly Fisher
Web: https://a-flyfisher.com/
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Twitter:   / a_flyfisher  


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