Historical Figures Height Comparison

Описание к видео Historical Figures Height Comparison

From Kings and Queens and Scientists and Engineers to famous Sportsmen this video looks at the potential peak heights of some historical figures. We have also included some facts for your entertainment. Video includes........

Alexander the Great
Muhammad Ali
Albert Einstein
Vincent Van Gogh
Mahatma Gandhi
Queen Elizabeth ll
Ludwig van Beethoven
William Shakespeare
Abraham Lincoln
Marie Curie
Mother Teresa
Thomas Edison
Elvis Presley
Nelson Mandela
Saddam Hussein
Winston Churchill.......and many many more, 72 figures in total

Music from the audio library: Track 1: Symphony No.5 - Beethoven
Track 2 - Mozart - Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (by Mozart)

I’m mark, from the north of England. I make all of my own templates and do all of my own research and edit all of my own content with keynote, and occasionally iMovie.

Made with Keynote and iMovie on MacBook Pro


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