Gordon Cobb

Описание к видео Gordon Cobb

Piano Teachers Federation's Interview with Gordon Cobb at Pacey's Pianos in Vancouver.

Gordon received his BFA from SFU and his MMus in Composition for New Media from the London College of Music in the UK. His work as a music composer has been showcased in many public venues, including two Olympic Games commissions (Torino 2006 and Vancouver 2010), the New York City Ballet, and the Cedar Lake Ensemble, New York; on television with The Knowledge Network; on the internet on multiple websites, and in Vancouver with various progressive dance companies , such as Emily Molnar Dance, MovEnt, and Amber Barton Funk. He is the Artistic Director of Cobb House Studio, a children's production company specializing in film and music production (web.me.com/cobbhousestudio).
Gordon has been teaching piano privately for over 15 years, and at the Sarah McLachlan Music Outreach for 8 years. He has also worked for over a decade in children's arts education for various arts institutions such as The Arts Umbrella, The Sarah McLachlan Music Outreach, and the Shadbolt Centre.Gordon is a registered music teacher with the Royal Conservatory.
For more information, please visit : http://pianoteachersfederation.org/Go...

Special Thanks to Pacey's Pianos


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