300 ESTONIAN Common Phrases - for Beginners! PART 1

Описание к видео 300 ESTONIAN Common Phrases - for Beginners! PART 1

All phrases you need for daily conversations in Estonian.

In this video, you’ll learn all the Estonian you need to improve your speaking skills. You will learn the most common and useful phrases for everyday life to be able to have simple conversations.
I am a native Estonian speaker so the pronunciation of all phrases comes out naturally which will help you to improve your listening comprehension skills as well. This is THE place to start if you want to learn Estonian! ↓ Learn more ↓

TIP: By listening to the audio on repeat many times, the phrases you have learned will remain in your head. Do you want to become able to speak Estonian fluently? If so, try reading aloud along with the video and audio! If you repeatedly practice, the phrases and vocabulary you have remembered will begin coming out of your mouth naturally.



IG: Wayfarerlust
Pinterest:   / wayfarerlust  

►Start communicating and using your Estonian today by leaving a comment below this video with your feedback or replying the other students. Big thank you for watching! :)

1. Hello – Tere
2. Good morning – Tere hommikust
3. Good afternoon – Tere päevast
4. Good evening – Tere õhtust
5. Good night - Head ööd
6. How are you? - Kuidas läheb?
7. Im fine - Hästi
8. And you? - Sul?
9. Thank you - Aitäh
10. Your welcome - Pole tänu väärt
11. Nice to meet you - Meeldiv tutvuda
12. What’s your name? - Mis sinu nimi on?
13. My name is… - Minu nimi on…
14. Goodbye - Nägemist
15. See you soon - Varsti näeme
16. See you later - Näeme hiljem
17. See you tomorrow - Homseni
18. I miss you - Ma igatsen sind
19. Me too - Ma ka
20. What are you doing? - Mis sa teed?
21. Nothing - Midagi
22. Yes - Jah
23. No - Ei
24. Maybe – Võib-olla
25. Are you busy?- Oled sa hõivatud?
26. Im busy - Olen hõivatud
27. Im free - Olen vaba
28. Im hungry - Ma olen näljane
29. Im thirsty - Olen janune
30. Lets eat - Sööme
31. Where do you live? - Kus sa elad?
32. I live in… - Ma elan…
33. What do you study? - Mida sa õpid?
34. I study… - Ma õpin…
35. How’s your family - Kuidas su perel läheb?
36. Very good – Väga hästi
37. Very bad – Väga halvasti
38. Do you want to eat? – Kas sa tahad süüa?
39. What’s your phone number? - Mis on su telefoni number?
40. Call me – Helista mulle
41. Ill call you – Ma helistan sulle
42. Lets go out – Lähme välja
43. What do you want to do? – Mis sa tahad teha?
44. How’s your day going? - Kuidas sul läheb?
45. My days’ going well – Mul läheb hästi
46. My days going bad - Mul läheb halvasti
47. Its delicious - See on nii maitsev
48. I want more - Ma tahan veel
49. Thanks for the food - Tänan toidu eest
50. May I help you? - Kas ma saan teid aidata?
51. Can you help me? - Kas te oskate mind aidata?
52. I’ll help you - Ma aitan teid
53. Yes, please - Jah, palun
54. No thank you - Ei, tänan
55. Thanks for your help - Tänan abi eest
56. What do you think? - Mis sa arvad?
57. Day - Päev
58. Afternoon - Lõuna
59. Evening - Õhtu
60. Night - Õõ
61. I’ts early - On vara
62. I’ts late - On hilja
63. I arrived early - Ma jõudsin vara
64. I arrived late - Ma jõudisn hilja
65. What’s the date? - Mis kuupäev on?
66. I’m tired - Ma olen väsinud
67. I’m sleepy - Ma olen unine
68. I’m going to sleep - Ma lähen magama
69. I have homework - Mul on kodutööd
70. I’ts easy - See on lihtne
71. I’ts difficult - See on raske
72. Wher’s the restroom ? - Kus on tualett?
73. Over there - Seal
74. Here - Siin
75. Come here - Tule siia
76. Siblings – Õed-vennad
77. Do you have siblings? - Kas sul on õdesid-vendi?
78. I’m sorry – Palun vabandust
79. Have a nice day – Ilusat päeva
80. You can come – Sa võid tulla
81. What do you mean? – Mis sa silmas pead?
82. Do you understand? – Kas sa saad aru?
83. I understand – Ma saan aru
84. I don’t understand – Ma ei saa aru
85. What’s there to eat? – Mis süüa on?
86. What’s there to drink? – Mis juua on?
87. Today - Täna
88. Yesterday - Eile
89. Morning - Hommik
90. Tomorrow - Homme
91. What did you do today? – Mis sa täna tegid?
92. What did you do yesterday? – Mis sa eile tegid?
93. What’s your plan? – Mis plaaniks?
94. It’s complicated – See on keeruline
95. What do you say? – Mis sa ütled?
96. Did you like it? – Kas sulle meeldis?
97. I like it – Mulle meeldib
98. Do you want to try some? – Kas sa tahad veidi proovida?
99. I think so – Ma arvan küll
100. I don’t think so – Ma ei arva nii


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