I Ran 4 kilometres in my 18th Century Stays

Описание к видео I Ran 4 kilometres in my 18th Century Stays

Hello and welcome to this video!

After completing my 18th century stays over a year ago I soon realised that they weren't really those torture devices that we constantly are told. However, even if they indeed worked perfectly, I couldn't avoid thinking of how it would have been to really try them during something quite physical, and my thoughts then developed into an idea where I would run in them for a couple of kilometres. I thought this would have been a fun way to really found out how this garment would affect my breathing during hard physical labor. The whole idea turned out to be an exiting, interesting and ... breathtaking experiment.

I also want to note that I, during this video describes certain experiences, and the consequences that I percieve. This doesn't have to be a general thing, and even if I expresses things during the process like that's a universal, scientific truth, it's most often just my own perception.

...and before you ask:

1 Kilometer = 0.621371 Miles


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