MistaMan's MUGEN [43]: It Came From The Archives

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While looking for characters to add in my roster, I ended up on THAT side of the MUGEN archives. Here's the characters that found me.

For the record i'm like 95% sure all of these characters are sprite swaps

Rudy: Very bare bones character and despite being from a show called CHALKzone, he uses a pencil for his special.

Wade Duck: Wade falls into that category of MUGEN character I call "Who was asking for them to be in MUGEN?". Got nothing else to say, his sprites look like a seagull that's been hit by a car.

Max: Spriteswap of Sonicadam2's Flapjack which wasn't a great character to begin with.

Frank: Spriteswap of Felix Mario's version of Jake the dog. has all the same problems that Jake had.

One more thing, I don't have any beef with any of these character's creators. Just wanted to show off some characters that I thought looked funny.


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